August 22, 2000

It's About The Ear Rings, 2000

A silent film (almost), with a happy ending, from one of the beaches at La Jolla, California, Summer 2000.

An early experiment in web video, this was originally presented as a 37kbps MS MPEG4 video stream, later beefed up to 91kpbs.

Recently, I unearthed the master AVI files and, miraculously, also was able to find and, still more miraculously, load the ancient codecs from a decade ago.

I suppose, via Youtube, I have consigned its preservation to Google.
A dubious proposition on so many scores.

Posted by Raoul

Why Bother

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Recent Posts

3 Beach Monkeys, 1997
Superbowl Sunday, 1998
It's About The Ear Rings, 2000
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