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"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."

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Why Bother

All Hail Freedonia!
Google Giggles
Literacy and Its Discontents
Old and In the Way
On the Road
Pretty Vacant Video
Readers Notes
The Climate Suits My Clothes
The Net Takes You Nowhere
Time Keeps On Ticking
Weapons of Mass Distraction
Why indeed?


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NYTimes Picks
GOP Healthcare and the Social Contract
Fellow Travelers: Trump and Putin
The Prophet
3 Beach Monkeys, 1997
Ocean Beach Dog Wrangling
blue moon - 2009
Republican Neo-Permissiveness
Far Right Republican Family Values
Miss Congeniality



$12000 Detention
$12000 Detention
I have noticed that the building at Fort Mason where I take my improv workshop classes is also home to the Waldorf High School. This campus on National Park land incorporates big, empty, white-wall rooms with cheap-ass posters of vacation spots and one....
from Why Bother
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