Why indeed?

the wheels came off

busybeaver (Sep '05)

Something new under the sun.

Anybody know what this is? 8/30 What about this? 8/31 And the answer is that this is learning the relatively simple process of 1)including photos, and 2)editing and revising entries. The second photo is about twice as big as the first - when first posted it (gasp) covered the advertising - so the big achievement was figuring out how to shrink it down. But what are they? Sorry, that is not posed as a real question introducing an answer. It is a challenge to learn how to create italics. Which appears to have succeeded....
busybeaver (Aug '05)

Ah well...

As an astute observer of this site may notice (there may be one or two), busybeaver does not spring forth a fully formed and dewy new presence on this 21st of August last. The enignmatic sayings of one ebj have now been re-signed, attributed by the software to said BB. Yes, poor Elva has been unmasked - attempting to learn this strange new technology she is. Quite a feat for a box of dead letters, but there you have it. Elva also notices that there is a, shall we say, less astute observer present - a mechanical intermediary, an engine of search, gamely attempting to identify signal, identify noise, serve meaning. Well, dear Goo-goo, if you really have to know, the postings of busybeaver are mere sitebuilding practice leavings. Yes, another flesh and blood, bricks and mortar, cliche filled, time constrained ordinary person has decided to learn how to work...
busybeaver (Aug '05)

I've got...

...nothing to say, but it's ok... (good morning!) If a website changes in the middle of cyberspace and nobody notices, does it make a sound?...
busybeaver (Aug '05)

Why Bother

All Hail Freedonia!
Google Giggles
Literacy and Its Discontents
Old and In the Way
On the Road
Pretty Vacant Video
Readers Notes
The Climate Suits My Clothes
The Net Takes You Nowhere
Time Keeps On Ticking
Weapons of Mass Distraction
Why indeed?


Recent Posts

the wheels came off
Something new under the sun.
Ah well...
I've got...


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